The most popular post on this blog bar none is Making a Maze from Caution Tape: Guest Post by Dan (DH)

written by my husband. (She wrote bitterly)

He goes into more detail and answers some questions in DH Guest Post: Caution Tape Maze Revisited, Part I

And he has added a second update explaining exactly how the teams of teens lays out the maze.
Ben suggested a maze that would change configuration mid way through the fair so the trampled grass would not give away the path in 2015.
How long does it take to go through this? Want use it for an event.
Hi Bethany,
It takes the better part of a day to set the maze up, but only about 30 min to take it down. Walking through it takes about 10 min, depending on a person’s height, age, and perseverance, also what time of day it is, the grass on the proper path gets trampled, so later maze walkers have it easier, like someone working in a book with partly erased pencil marks.
I’ll point out your comment to Dan, he’s the maze man.
I find kids take about 10 minutes to walk through this. However, lots of kids keep coming back, to have a walk through with their parents, or to have a race with their friends!
Thanks for the very thorough and helpful instructions and thank you so much for writing it out.
Do you think bamboo sticks would work? I was thinking it may be easier/cheaper than wooden stakes and still strong enough to hold the tape?
Hi Jason,
Dan can answer when he gets home from work, but here’s my 2 cents. We build a maze every year, so we invested in the stakes. We also had a carpenter at church who donated scrap lumber and cut them for us, so we haven’t tried bamboo (except for tomatoes and dahlias).
If you have some bamboo stakes, a staple gun and some caution tape, I’d set up a test site and see how it does, then scale up later.
The bamboo stakes should work, but it probably depends on where you live.
In New England, the soil is very rocky, so getting the stakes in is a bit of a chore, and they need to have some strength.
If you live in the Midwest, with less rocky soil, the bamboo stakes will probably work.
Christine, your advice to set up a test site is good.
Hello, I am curious if you still build the caution tape mazes? Would there be any interest in setting this up for an event in October with the City of Mesquite, TX?
Dan has replied with an e-mail, I hope your event is great!