My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
The Friday before B’s graduation picnic, I kicked everybody out of the house. I really do admire those parents who cook with their children. I’m trying to fold mine into regular instruction so they can feed themselves (and me!). But Continue reading Beach!
Sometimes you have to step up. In movies it involves courage, risk and trumpets, occasionally a string section. In my case, it involves details and learning google docs. The long time coordinator of the local testing coop’s youngest child was Continue reading Mutual Aid Standardized Testing Coop
So we are over the time of year when the kitchen table school cried out to be seen and was not heard. When I was more focused on getting everyone to the classes I had paid for, and helping them Continue reading Co-op projects
17 years old today, exploring how to carry extra supplies to Good Company Tutorials while riding a unicycle, and what patterns you can make out of a mustache. We had a birthday breakfast of yeast raised gf waffles, bacon and Continue reading Happy Birthday Ben!
I saw a Christianity Today article responding to a Slate article about the drudgery of dinner. And yeah, as a lady who has to cook from scratch because of celiac there are times I crave a good short cut; not Continue reading Dinner – drudgery or (oh for a word that means opportunity that starts with a d)
Oh dear, I need to read my e-mail much more carefully. I thought was on for next week, but it’s really today. Good thing I already pulled up May photos from years past.Henry Cate, the founder of the Carnival of Continue reading The Carnival of Homeschooling – Oops, this week not next!
K has gotten to where she can do some addition and kinda gets subtraction, but I’ve used up all the Miquon pages that are large enough fonts to be comfortable. I need to make her some more, or look up Continue reading {pretty, funny, happy, real} Sniffly late winter to the busy Spring
Mom, Mommom, Daddad, you wanted some ideas for what to buy Ben, M and K for Christmas? http://www.mathpickle.com/K-12/Videos.html
K must have been watching me look at pretty recipes on Pinterest – she arranged her dinner and asked me to photograph it. M is up to that almost but not quite reading part where he sounds out labels and Continue reading Jotting Notes on our life
Well, most of the chores are done, our company has arrived. I still don’t feel like I remember what my jobs are for this season, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. Phew.
Today I’m up to the clear liquids/take your prep part of the colonoscopy. I was thinking that nothing of note had happened today, but perhaps someday I’ll want to remember when this all happened. Dan has been super kind to Continue reading In the five minutes before I drink my next dose of medicine