My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
Last week was not much for Kitchen Table School. There were orthodontia visits, dental visits, an MRI (to figure out my headaches), the SAT while it could still be taken ( the coordinator thinks this will be the last window Continue reading More Mentoring and Chauffeuring; or how much I love having the older kids around
As a part of Massachusett’s re-opening, we got to go to church, then my extended family and friend Kevin went hiking. It was so good. This spring is so lovely, the times are not. Mom has found a way into Continue reading Last Sunday we hiked 6 miles by accident
We took a Physically distanced walk at the reservoir, wearing our facemasks. It was the first time Dan had off from work when it wasn’t pouring down rain. Before the parking permit accord with the local families, Dan and Ben Continue reading Walk at Reservoir (during Covid 19 Pandemic)
Mechanic’s Pond is quite low right now. I’ve been interested this month in the growth patterns of the leaves, how are the oaks and maples arranged? Do the smaller leaves go on the ends of branches or back up the Continue reading Soaking in the June Sun, by the pond where it’s not hot.
This morning was cool and overcast, so my garden photographed well. I love the shiny black mysterious buds. They open to moody purple, which is not usually a color that I know what to do with, and if you bend near, Continue reading If Nature comes to you, study it.
Dan had 9 days to take off from work left this year. K and Matt took the weeks off from the homeschool that I assigned them, but they still had Eagle’s Wings, and Good Company Tutorials. Ben still had finals. Continue reading Photos from 2 weeks of use them or lose them days off for Dan
I’ve been thinking I should get more photos of M up on the blog, so last Saturday when he did his lab I pulled out the camera. We are going slowly through Algebra and Biology, partly because the paid classes Continue reading Fungus and Flu (they alliterate, no other connection)
January without snow may look bleak and dreary, but when it smells like a thaw, it’s happy. We took a walk in the 58 degree (F) heat to pick up some exciting things at the grocery store – baking soda Continue reading It’s Like Spring Out there
It was above freezing yesterday, since we’ve had temperatures below zero (F) that’s quite the temperature difference. We were charmed. And I didn’t want to set up a Mailchimp list for the testing coop, so K and I took a Continue reading Walk in the Snow and sunshine with K
This afternoon we took a walk and climbed on things. As long as we have an earlier sunset, might as well get outside while we can. And they chased each other a lot. Whatever Matt can do, I will Continue reading Lovely Afternoon throwing Pinecones in the Woods
K called me from the porch, “Mom! Come see this moth that looks like a leaf!” I should have put something in here for scale, it was as wide as my hand is long. The color and size reminded me Continue reading Luna Moth on the Front Stoop