My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
Matty was leaving to catch the train for his classes in the city. Dan and I called bye. Kari came out of bed to sleepily do the same. Matt called a greeting and opened the door. Penny the neighbor’s cat Continue reading Goodbye Conversation
Illuminate is running Annie tonight, we enjoyed the performance last night. I thought the clear facemasks were clever, and with the mikes on the kids, hearing them was no trouble. They are still using the ventriloquist’s dummy that I repaired Continue reading Halloween memory unexpected found at Annie Play Last night
Last week was not much for Kitchen Table School. There were orthodontia visits, dental visits, an MRI (to figure out my headaches), the SAT while it could still be taken ( the coordinator thinks this will be the last window Continue reading More Mentoring and Chauffeuring; or how much I love having the older kids around
Somehow it did not compute that the semi-formal I got an e-mail about was on a Thursday. Which meant someone would have to pick Matt up at 11 PM-ish on a work night. Both Dan and Ben offered to drive Continue reading Semi-formal Photos
Dan had 9 days to take off from work left this year. K and Matt took the weeks off from the homeschool that I assigned them, but they still had Eagle’s Wings, and Good Company Tutorials. Ben still had finals. Continue reading Photos from 2 weeks of use them or lose them days off for Dan
I’ve been thinking I should get more photos of M up on the blog, so last Saturday when he did his lab I pulled out the camera. We are going slowly through Algebra and Biology, partly because the paid classes Continue reading Fungus and Flu (they alliterate, no other connection)
I’m squishing half of American Government in for Matt this year, since we are up to the modern history. I kept seeing, “can you pass the US citizenship test,” on FB. Since the text book I bought for this section Continue reading Meme inspired homeschool
This afternoon we took a walk and climbed on things. As long as we have an earlier sunset, might as well get outside while we can. And they chased each other a lot. Whatever Matt can do, I will Continue reading Lovely Afternoon throwing Pinecones in the Woods
“And Yes, I give you permission to blog about this, Mom.” He said over his shoulder as he left to take his shower. Oh, yes. Blogging about homeschool life with teenagers, a thing I keep meaning to do as long Continue reading Matthew gave me a writing assignment 20 minutes ago
We had volunteered to help my Mom pass out invitations to the 4 Day Club she’s hosting in a neighborhood near her – which meant less time to clean house this morning. As we were discussing which chores to skip, Ben and Matt Continue reading Teenagers – my force multipliers
“I get it Mom, a phrase is a sub-sentence”