My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
The one based on meringue. Definitely that one. Didn’t taste exactly like a malt ball (as far as I can remember) but it did have the milk flavor, which turns out to be important. Today I’m making the anise liquorice Continue reading Which gf “malt” ball?
It’s been 5 years since my Celiac diagnosis. This week Ben bought me some York Peppermint Patties because I forgot to buy myself Easter Candy, and hadn’t been able to share any of the kids (yes, chocolate is naturally gf, Continue reading GF snacks “For Science”
When I saw the submission for a charity e-book to raise money for pediatric cancer research, I remembered my Grandpa Clark singing “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free. For his eye is on the Sparrow, and Continue reading Sparrow Reticule Knitting Pattern (a Cross Post from Christine Guest Designs.com)
I’ve been thinking I should get more photos of M up on the blog, so last Saturday when he did his lab I pulled out the camera. We are going slowly through Algebra and Biology, partly because the paid classes Continue reading Fungus and Flu (they alliterate, no other connection)
I meant to use the pattern blocks to show some multiplication with fractions (a hexagon is a whole, triangle a sixth, trapezoid a half, parallelogram a third). But it’s been a while since we’ve pulled out the blocks. I forgot Continue reading Pretty Blocks are Distracting but worth it
January without snow may look bleak and dreary, but when it smells like a thaw, it’s happy. We took a walk in the 58 degree (F) heat to pick up some exciting things at the grocery store – baking soda Continue reading It’s Like Spring Out there
It was above freezing yesterday, since we’ve had temperatures below zero (F) that’s quite the temperature difference. We were charmed. And I didn’t want to set up a Mailchimp list for the testing coop, so K and I took a Continue reading Walk in the Snow and sunshine with K
I re-read the website I set up a year or so ago to remember what I’ve said about the testing coop, looked through the g-mail account (sorry researcher, I didn’t read your note from last September until today, and we Continue reading Starting up the Testing Coop
I went to Market Basket at rush hour the night before a storm (with the cool classification of bomb cyclone!) for the first time ever in New England. Local legend has it that ever since the blizzard of ’78 people Continue reading Snow Day
I’m squishing half of American Government in for Matt this year, since we are up to the modern history. I kept seeing, “can you pass the US citizenship test,” on FB. Since the text book I bought for this section Continue reading Meme inspired homeschool