My Mom is a “let’s do something this Sunday Afternoon” sort of lady. The rest of us (except K!) are more, “let’s take a nap this Sunday Afternoon” sorts of people.

On Mother’s Day I catastrophically needed a nap because a dreadful stomach bug was about to knock me out for 4 days. Fortunately Dan shouldered the nursing, and laundry. Also the kids waited to catch it until I was on my feet again. And the testing coop was not until the next week.
I was SO glad I wasn’t the only testing coordinator, that we’d done most of the organizing already, that we’d worked together before (with the Gym Tsarina too). Everyone cooperated well.
I was proud of K; Sometimes her thwarted extrovert nature gets to
shine. We were on a last minute sweep of the church building to make
sure we’d cleaned up properly and gotten the lights turned out. K
noticed Mrs Anderson, my co-coordinator, sighing, took her hand and
asked, “Mrs Sue, are you sad because you are working alone? I hate
cleaning my room by myself. Would you like me to keep you company? I’ll chatter at you.”
According to Sue, it did cheer her right up because she does hate to work alone.
I got the 38 lb box of tests and booklets back to be scan-tronned on Tuesday. It felt anti-climactic.
We tried an experiment this year of holding a coffee/tea table for all the people there. That went over well, and encouraged Moms to get to know each other. Also the church we rented tends to be chilly. At least one Mom said her shoulder angels were fighting over “green tea, or dark roast coffee.” Most went with the coffee, and used cream, not milk while they were at it! (So next year, I will only get a quart of milk, and two quarts of cream.)

We brought most of the left over coffee things to our church, the various homeschool groups usually use up the deaconesses’ stash anyway.

I kept feeling like May was time warped – how could it be time to think solemn patriotic thoughts again so soon?
Ben got himself to the parade step off on his own (Yes! He will know how to use a calender, even thought he’s my kid with my non-awareness of time!)

The garden is up to it’s purple stage now, and we have hope of a good strawberry crop.

M and K played their candy swap game from the end of the parade until lunch time.

They are very intense about the trading game.

Which is funny, because once they are all done, M will always gives K all of his candy, and she knows that he will always do this, because he can’t eat any of it with braces.
They just like to trade.

Dan and Ben hauled out the canoe before the cookout at Mom’s house.

And I took a nap.