M told the orthodontist assistant that he learns more outside of school than inside it – meaning his super short lessons in the morning I suppose. Funny how he doesn’t realize that his Mom picked most of his books and toys for their discovery/math value, and oh, those library books and videos? Same deal, bwa ha ha.
I wrote that first paragraph because I want to feel better that between his cold and my chores, we haven’t DONE the short morning lessons since…I’m not sure, but he has faithfully done vision therapy and we just finished Sword Song and started the Sword in the Stone.
My chores? Caring for sick children, organizing the co-op planning meeting, paying the bills, starting supper in the crock pot, getting a bunch of packages ready to mail, mourning over my mitten pattern (major setback yesterday, no, the 6 inch adult size should not be fitting K just fine…) and taking M to orthodontia appointments.
Stealth learning is the best kind. :-D
I hope everyone feels better soon.
Peace and Laughter!