M asked me this morning if he could please, please, please have a drawing lesson. He’s been adding more texture to his monsters, cross hatches, shading, armor plates, he wants to know more.
So we found his book, and his colored pencils called for in his book, and began to do the next lesson of the basic drawing section. I read him the instructions, and he asked if he could draw something else.
And I replied, “?????!”
So after getting a grip, I explained that lessons aren’t really drawing for fun time, they are learning basic skills time so that when you do draw for fun, you are happier with your work. Or, just as true, after throwing my lesson plan out the window, yes you do have to do what I thought you begged me to do, because the time is gone even if we haven’t done phonics.
There are a lot of instructions in a Barry Stebbins lesson. Too many for M to remember from once hearing me read it to him. So I demonstrated the lesson so he’d see and hear it again.
Then I sighed, I’m supposed to be learning how to do fashion illustration, and I haven’t drawn yet. Wait, didn’t I draw M’s lesson? That counts for me too.
Pictures? :o)
If there are too many instructions, it’s sometimes hard for a visual learner to figure out and they get overwhelmed. At least, I’m assuming he’s more of a visual learner. I could be wrong.
It sounds more like he just wanted to draw, which doesn’t really need a lesson. I was always drawing in school when I was a kid. I would draw in science class, in math, in English… :o)
Peace and Laughter!
Yeah, I think maybe he did want to draw rather than have his really short lessons on stuff that doesn’t just pop up in life. It’s the stuff I’m not good at, that I haven’t found affordable, local classes for that make me crazy about homeschool.
But, I’m taking a snap next to add into the post. That night as I took out the trash, the moon had a halo and my neighbor’s house was in silhoette. I called M to come see how it all looked like the drawing assignment. He was charmed. What a nice way to end a confusing interlude.
Pretty! Thank you for sharing them!
I agree, the size of the paper can be intimidating. I actually get intimidated by large paper. I don’t know what I would do if I had to take my daughter’s current sketching class. I just made a purchase of 24 x 36 inch paper for her. It’s practically life-sized!