Day after tomorrow is the planning meeting for Eagle’s Wings Co-op. Here is my plan for getting ready:
I’m going to log in on the web-based schedule making program that our brilliant teen-ager made us, and click on the families that I THINK will be co-op-ing with us, so I have a clue about age ranges of students. I myself don’t put much stock in ages for a co-op activity, because with boys and girls and different temperments, we arent’ able to homogenized a group anyway, but it is true that if you mix things up too much, it gets challenging.
So, with approximate numbers, and a reminder to myself of how many classrooms we have available (got to count, I forget) and a list of what folks have e-mailed me that they are interested in us exploring, we should be able to free form a plan. (Does this sound as vague to you as it does to me?)
Some of the co-op members are eager for the web-site to get up and running, hoping that we will post all the planned classes, so they can make up their minds to join or not, and be better able to describe what we are doing for interested friends. I have a gut reaction of avoiding that, but I want to look into it more. My gut says that the more we post and advertise, the more we will get families at the last moment who think we are a Program Put on For Their Kids, and not A Co-op Created By Families For Themselves. I have just deleted the ramifications of that, I don’t know how to express my horror at the idea in a lady like fashion.