My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
The Friday before B’s graduation picnic, I kicked everybody out of the house. I really do admire those parents who cook with their children. I’m trying to fold mine into regular instruction so they can feed themselves (and me!). But Continue reading Beach!
It took a while to find an exotic sounding place to picnic with Uncle Warren. I think it’s the name that did it. And it turns out that Miles Standish did indeed hunt in the pine barrens. K was tired Continue reading Picnic at Miles Standish State Forest
Ben had declared that the only speech he wanted at his graduation was grace for the food. But a diploma was important to Dan, so we ordered one. Despite having played in the band for the last 5 graduations at Continue reading Graduation Photos and the lists I used for college applications
Ben played in the Memorial Day Parade. Then he dry cleaned his uniform, packed up his shako, plum, shoes and everything, and dropped it off at the high school. For the last time. He was sad too. Dan meanwhile discovered Continue reading Early June
Ben worked out a ride to the Marching Band Diner, so after I dropped him off at his (last ever) flute lesson, I was done driving people places today, my Mom is picking up the pot pie to bring to Continue reading An Unexpected 2 hours