New Patterns Up

I’m finally remembering to take photos of my samples myself to put on the project page on Ravelery, not just the photos I paid for on the sales page. K had some ideas of poses she wanted to try out, Continue reading New Patterns Up
My musings on our homeschool, coop, figuring out what my educational philosophy is anyway, and will I ever make curtains for the rest of the appartment?
I’m finally remembering to take photos of my samples myself to put on the project page on Ravelery, not just the photos I paid for on the sales page. K had some ideas of poses she wanted to try out, Continue reading New Patterns Up
Well, it hasn’t ALL been yelling and tears. I took M and K to the park first thing after breakfast to get my fresh air and exercise and make sure they did too – plus we passed a Dunkin Doughnuts Continue reading New School Year Growing Pains
The Maze We had another fun maze for this year. My oldest son, Benjamin, said that one weakness to our mazes is that the correct path gets more foot traffic, causing a visible trampled path in the grass. The solution: Continue reading August 15, 2015 Family Fun Fair Caution Tape Maze
The 2014 Maze The 2014 Rehoboth Baptist Church Family Fun Fair was held on August 16. The theme was “Jonah”. Here is the actual maze for this fair: And here is the setup plan, with grid coordinates and post locations: Continue reading DH Guest Post: Caution Tape Maze Revisited, Part II
We decided to use a week of Dan’s time off to – catch up on projects. He’s cleaning his desk and getting planning ahead for leading Prayer meeting at church through the Fall, We’ve finally gotten K into her new Continue reading Our Last Half Week of Summer
Pretty, Happy, Funny When my in-laws joined us to help at the Family Fun Fair, they finished K’s bedroom as a 22nd anniversary gift. We were up to stage 2 of our plan, Monday after the fair, they travelled to Continue reading {p,f,h,r} K’s room went from stage 2 to 4 (grandparent boost)