M has been given charge of K in the next room. He has video priveledges, and the right to demand my attention to discipline K. They are watching Nijago at the moment, judging from the booms in the living room.
I just worked through the check off list that I keep on Tomboy notes
- Print any poems needed from Ambleside (Done)
- Print next several math sheets for M and K (Done)
- Go to the library or staples and print the maps. (Done)
- Put books on reserve for M and K on history subjects (Tomorrow)
- Make Ben his over all history reading list (Done)
- Download all e-books Ben needs for the sememster (at least the free ones) (Done)
- Make Ben his check off chart non -history (Done)
- Make first week’s check off chart (Tomorrow)
Two very happy things to remember next quarter: searching Project Gutenberg is a lot easier if I use Google instead of the Project Gutenberg internal search engine, and I don’t have to use Adobe Digital Editions with the Nook with those e-pubs, I can just save and copy them.
I’m missing a wonderful blogfodder moment here: I meant to list this quarter’s Well Trained Mind list of e-pubs and the links to Project Gutenberg – but I forgot to do it and I’m too lazy to copy them from my browser history. Just know that, yes, you can get
- Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn 1884
- W. B. Yeats’s The collected Peoem fo W. B. Yeats 1895
- Stephn Crane’s The red Badge of Courage 1895
- Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of being Ernest,” 1899
- Sigmund Freud’s the Interpretations fo Dreams 1900
- Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery 1901
- Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness 1902
- W.E. B DuBois’s The Souls of Black Folks 1903
- Edit Wharton’s The house of Mirth 1905
- Wilfrid Owen’s Selected Poems 1918
From Project Gutenberg.
I already had a copy of G. K. Chesterton’s The Innocence of Father Brown;
. So, I didn’t look for that one, anyway my brain is fried from organizing, and it’s time to send the kids outside to fight run around the yard, I wonder what wonders the fridge holds for lunch?