If you peek behind my Dad and my dog, in this 1979 photo, you can see the harvest gold wing back chair that was about to be moved to my bedroom: Mom had decided it was mine. My parents moved it to my apartment when I was living singe, Mom had (again) decided it was mine.
My husband really spoils me, he let me move it (twice!) in a state where no one could sit on it, because the springs had fallen out.
The year before M was born, I spent a year fixing it, researching how to re-tie the springs, finding stores to buy the tools and such.
Since this corner is one of only two corners in the house where I could put this corner shelf my Grandma gave me when she moved to Florida (She picked it up in Damascus, it got a little damaged on the flight) I left it here, and picked colours for the chair that would match the pottery.
I used to work on it during B’s bath, when Dan played with him. That kept the tack hammer from aggravating my carpal tunnels too much. I finished the stool the day M was born. I guess it was my pretty nesting project. And, there is nothing like a baby coming for a deadline to get sharp tools picked up.
M and K love to read in this chair, and sleep sitting up in it when they have colds. It cheers them up and makes them happy, no matter how sick.
Funny/Real: This is what it really looks like most of the time.

Good for YOU!! I admire your persistence, your patience, and your effort. It looks very well. I’ve never done slipcovering, never mind upholstery. It’s a very nice chair – I suppose the parts where there’s wood showing made it more complicated?
Anyway, well done!
I’ve heard that slip covering is harder than what I did; more measuring and calculating. In upholstry you tack the fabric in place, cut the excess off, then glue trim over it (right next to the wood that shows.) Not so much measuring, more draping.
But still, thanks!
Wow! You did an incredible job on the chair! I have only ever reupholstered a computer chair, so I can only imagine how much work you put into it, especially retying the springs. It looks gorgeous!
Peace and Laughter!
It was that year’s research project/crafting project. I’m not quiet ready to do it again, but the sunlight is wearing away the part by the window…but no one can see that part from inside.