M really came into his own with lots of cousins to play with. His favorite game was “War” on the lawn, with improvised weaponry, but the boys closest in his age were great favorites for other things too
Some days we didn’t see him until supper, because he was traveling with them, they had more exciting breakfasts too
After Monday, we all started eating at Uncle D’s cottage, eggs, French toast, fruit, sausage….B enjoyed discussing books and playing games with the older boys too.There they all are, but for Baby E.
The littles had sporatic but cute interactions.
Olders and Littles also had a sweet interaction – all the parents were thankful for someone else to entertain the tinies, and the older kids enjoyed them like, well, cute little kids.
And there were adventures
Did I mention that Lake Huron and Georgian Bay both had amazingly clear water?
And were really, really COLD
And that’s just the pictures on our camera: wait ’til I upload the one’s A’s financee took.