Welcome to our tidied up back hallway/mud room!
DH hung the mirror that used to go with the guest bedroom in the hallway, increasing the anemic light back there. I finally got all the winter things put away (except the boots) and cleaned up the shoe glacier.
I finished the New Living Room Curtains, and DH hung them up in the window.
You can see the new mirror, and the closet; with TV access and peacefully plain. I never expected to enjoy a peacefully plain room when I was younger, I thought I wanted everything baroque and ornate; but a simple room without too many toys strewn about the floor is wonderful to read aloud in, or sip coffee with DH in. Even B seems to think so.
Here is the bookcase wall.
Mom and DH took the kids downtown to see the Expo, where this performance artist had everyone asking, ‘Is it marble or a person?" and then he would move slightly. After DH took this picture, he said thank you to the artist, who slowly nodded his head in reply. There were artists representing Leonardo De Vinci and Shakespeare too, in bronze make up, but the camera phone didn’t work out on them.
Hold the Presses! Our friend Bob just e-mailed me his cell phone pictures, so here are the bronzes:
I stayed home to do battle with the back hallway and two closets. The kids tried Del’s lemonade for the first time, and came home refreshed. B said, "Mom, this house keeps getting better and better." M contradicted, "I think it’s getting worser and worser." B went back to finishing Artemus Fowle,
M got his turn to play BZ Flag
I chopped onions for dinner
K fell asleep after the long walk downtown. And DH took pictures.
I liked getting the house pickedup, and I think B is right; this house is getting better and better.