Carnival of Homeschooling is up

The Carnival of Homeschooling is up.  My entry is way near the bottom, so you won’t miss out on the other cool homeschooling links when you look for it. ;-)

One Reply to “Carnival of Homeschooling is up”

  1. Christine, thanks for your comment! You are right about the alternative methods. Back when we were learning division with two- and three-digit divisors (or rather, NOT learning it), I found Believe me, it was a God-send. Now I am wondering about the Life of Fred math series…. I see/hear that it is literary-based. Great for a kid who loves to read, but maybe not for one who doesn't like to have to <i>think</i> while she is reading. ?? I'll check out your suggestions, but first I am going to go back the the Carnival and see your post. :o)

    Glad to meet you.
