{p,f,h,r} Science Experiments, art, math and K’s first ballet recital

round button chicken

Pretty: K got to take a ballet class at A Work In Progress Productions, a business owned by a homeschooling Mom who worked on Broadway and now helps us with the arts in our town (I’m so glad she’s here!) K in ballet recitalHappy: I’m having trouble lately getting K outside, it takes me longer to make gf meals, and my organization skills haven’t quite caught up to the schedule.  But I got her to the playground that Saturday!
Ben reading his chemistry  test book at the kitchen table while stirring an experiment on the stove with his other handAnd M and K have been cheerfully helping out at home and at church.0330141708 M raking leaves with two rakes at church workdayI pulled out the pattern blocks too, I’ve been reading M and K String, Straight Edge and Shadow. When I let her draw or play while I read to them, her drawings are often about the shape or proof I’m reading about.  I’m hoping when M goes back to his key-to-geometry books, they will have stopped seeming dumb.Funny: Someone tidied up the back hallway by placing all the loose hats, mittens, gloves and scarves on one peg.Someone had tidied up the back hallway/mudroom by piling many, many hats, gloves and mittens ontop of one peg. It didnt' last long.Ben’s desk; well, he gets his work done.Ben at his desk. The desk complex. It's messy. It's taking over the workshop. Oh well, he gets his work done.Real: When I was studying chemistry in college, I vowed that I would integrate the labs with lectures in any class I taught. Um, Ben is catching up this week on all the labs to date this year.
But he does get to use a sweet stereo micoscope at work. (Nepotism can be a beautiful thing)Ben using the sterio microscope at workI may have let my 20-something self down, but I hadn’t realized that M and K would get to see Ben’s experiments. I don’t have a photograph, but K was right at Ben’s elbow drawing his biology dissection samples with him. What a consolation!

I couldn’t bring myself to break the huge boxes down after we made the box camera at co-op, so I set it up on the kitchen table so K could look in it. Dan took some photos of me calibrating it and even caught the image on the screen.My butt sticking out of the box camera. Peeking into the box camera, where you can see M behind it, and upsidedown on the screen inside of it. Inside the box camera with me, looking at the upsidedown image on the screen.I think Dan just likes taking less than dignified pictures of me.

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