And we’ve reached that Kindergarten milestone of sparkly eyes, snaggly teeth.
This afternoon I had a lot of co-op class things to prep (I wanted to teach two different classes why? I thought that having taught them before in the last 8 years it would be easy why? Oh yeah, I want my kids to have a lovely co-op and I love teaching. Of course.)
I bribed M to play with K – no screens allowed.
I promised that if he brought out the building toys he likes but hates to clean up, and lets K make creatures with them – I would pick up the entire play space myself.
Does that count as real, funny or slightly pathetic? So far the co-operative/creative play streak has held for 3 hours. I haven’t looked at the living room floor, though they did put the pieces on a blanket, so I should be able to pick up the four corners and dump the pieces into a Trofast bin fairly quickly.