{pfhr} finding the Christmas Photos

round button chicken
Our Christmas runs happily into F.I.R.S.T. Lego League season really quickly.

I think I lost my camera somewhere in the middle, I did lose 16 inches of hair.  (That was on purpose though, the cut makes me feel pretty).

Our friend Warren visited from Kentucky – he has declared no more winter trips, he’ll stick to New England in the other seasons thank you.  Only fair, I’m not sure I have courage for Kentucky in Summer.

Warren’s present to Dan was funny; hot sauce made from ghost peppers, it has a warning label.  I think I’ll use it as a decorative item – not a culinary one.

Mom made pretty, tasty meals in time for all of us to get to church for the candlelight service and morning worship on Sunday.  Between the kid’s nervous stomach aches and my own, I never made it out the door though.





I think Dan really told B,  “Smile for this photo or I’ll tickle you.”

3 Replies to “{pfhr} finding the Christmas Photos”

    • My husband was just reading my blog (If I scratch his head, he’d read/watch anything, that’s how I get company on Jane Austen adaptations) when he remembered his ghost pepper sauce. He just brought it with him back to work, it can be a manly decoration in his office.

      • Any hot sauce with the warning “Do not use if you have heart or respiratory problems” should be approached with caution. We tried it at work. HOT STUFF!