We visited the Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center this morning. I’ve been meaning to volunteer there with the kids since they opened, but kept forgetting to call. We arranged our old National Geograhics on the coffee table, after being instructed to make sure there were no photos of babies or children on the covers. No need to traumatize a woman in an already awkward time. The treasurer gave us a tour. Most of their clients at the moment are families in need of clothing and diapers for young children, and women who are stressed about abortions they have had. A sonagram machine is in the works.
If they need people to sort donated food and clothing, they will give us a call. If all four of us work hard, we can probably make a dent in the job before K gets bored and fussy.
B worked ahead in his algebra today to get some free time this week, only to discover that I’d made a mistake in the assignments and he actually had to work extra just to keep up. Talk about missing an opportunity to encourage working hard.
K has been “reading” her books, rhyming nonsense words with words that fit the illustrations of the books.
M has been “taking notes” on his library books of knights so that when he draws his monsters, they will have more interesting armor and weapons. He likes Japanese armor best, but Western Swords.