More Old Photos of My Daddy

Dad loved exploring on vacation. Here we are in Steamtown when it was still in Vermont, 1983

He loved getting to drive the Aaron’s Fox at Highland Hose in Nyack, NY.

The Fox was made the year Dad was born.  When he fought a fire, it was OK to hate his enemy, it wasn’t a neighabor, it was a thing.

When he worked as a fireman, he got to help his neighabors directly.  When he worked as an Auxiliary Policeman, he showed up after the trouble and filed paperwork.

It is easier to direct traffic with a fire ax, than with whistle and gloves.

He loved to ride a bike.  When he worked in Piermont, he rode to work in fine weather.


He loved to cook.

He loved to talk with me.

3 Replies to “More Old Photos of My Daddy”

  1. Good morning Chris,
    Thank you for posting your photos of my big brother, you can’t imagine how much I enjoyed them.

    Aunt Phyl

  2. Ditto on the enjoyment of looking at the pictures. Keep them coming please. Martha