Hopefully this is not a sign of approaching doom.
I’m working on my lesson prep for the upcoming Family Fun Fair – I get to teach the 5 different Bible lessons from CEF’s Illustrated Wordless Book – which means I will have to have a lot crammed in my head. CEF lessons take all the parallel passages together when you tell a narrative, so there is a lot of page flipping when you prepare, never fun if your Bible has thin pages.
I usually (try) to make outlines to keep myself organized. As I was starting off my prep – I remembered DH mentioning that the ESV lets you copy text on-line. So I’ve been compiling copies of the sections I need in a word processor so I can print them out for my binder of outlines. This should make my studies easier, and if they are easier, maybe I won’t procrastinate on doing them!
I do own a few copies of the ESV, and since I’m not distributing them to other people, I’m sure it’s fair use.