I have no reason in particular to have the blues…I like Spring Rains; K never does sleep, so last night was really normal; and by now making M wear his coat and playing deaf to his complaints about is should be standard. B’s ankle is better enough that I think he’ll be fine, if I can just remember to not take him up on his offers to help out around here so much, and he quits being so stoic and brave…honestly, he’s like that, I’m not being sarcastic at the moment. I hope I don’t forget to call the doctor’s office for the follow up appointment tomorrow when the office opens – there it’s written down, I’m less likely to forget!
So, looking forward to the "How to Train your Dragon" movie, since we didn’t see the Percy Jackson one (reviews being as they were, even though some of our friends said that the Los Vegas scenes went over their kids heads) Here is the Bob Sled, with pretend guy named Bob
And here was my little imitator, making a concoction in my tea pot with salt, leftovers, and play doe. I cleaned it and her up after taking the photo (scrapbooker reflexes.)
Well, I do feel better now!
What do your therapeutic blogs look like?
Your pictures were therapeutic for me! Love the Bible reading, and the tea. We "drink" that around here all the time, too.
Hope you feel pink soon.