Blessings of Convalescanse: both expected and bizarre

My foot is healing,
My achy hip is not forecasting the weather
My church is loving us (as M says, "Yummy Yummy Deaconess Food!" but also stopping by to run M and K around at the park so DH has a few moments to catch his breath or wash dishes.)

I’m caught up on sleep. (K is also sleeping more soundly at night, either because she’s growing, or the "No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers" is helping with it’s earlier bedtime suggestion.)

I’ve read 3 library books since the surgery, well, seriously skimmed one, college has ruined me for reading things straight through.
K finds me on her level a lot (the futon is low) so she thinks of me as her dolly.  Tonight she fed me bits of Savoy Cabbage from the CSA box, as well as alternate bites of broccoli.  Sometimes she brings me toys. One morning I woke up to her stuffing a plum in my mouth.  Where did she get it?  DH says he didn’t even know that we had had plums.