M has had a tummy ache since Sunday. This morning DH had a bad fever and stuffy head. He went to work with the plan to see his customer, then come home and nap. K has a fever, and has been napping since breakfast.What if we have two sicknesses going through the family? These symptoms aren’t the same.
I interrupted B’s chores so that we could get his teacher intensive work in before K woke up. We both have a bit of the check it off mania, he wants to have his Summer break in the worst way.
So, I hope I either stay totally healthy, or get it over with before my cousin’s wedding in a week and a half. Make that this weekend, K is getting dedicated on Sunday before our pastor goes to Wales for his sabbatical.
Meanwhile, I stayed up a bit last night working on a skirt to wear to the wedding. The pin fitting looked good, I just have to decide on the hem and waistband treatment.