paint chips up, room redeco started

    I took down some 4 year old art projects from the kitchen wall to cannibalize the sticky tack.  Then we put up the 40 or so paint chips that we picked up at Lowe’s yesterday.  Some of the paint colors are pretty wild, we  brought the pillow from the dragonfly chair in B’s room with us to the store, and there were a lot of colors in it.  The landlord has approved pale yellow, but we might use some of the wild extras as accents on furniture – maybe.  I’m hoping to use the fabric from the matching curtain as a border on the two new curtains, with a color in the middle that M picks out, so the room is partly recycled, and party new (and M’s as well as B’s)  So far the boys have competing visions for the space. 

    I’ve removed the paint chips that clash with the stained wood molding, or that don’t appeal to me in the light of this room.  So far the boys like everything that is at their eye levels, so having them select the colors is like handing them toy catalogs – every item gets an initial next to it!

    The next few steps seem the most daunting – purging the toys/clothes/books collection, measuring how much space the remainder takes up, then planning how much new storage furniture we need to buy.  Since the baby will be moving into M’s room, we aren’t recycling anything from there, and the bookshelves in both boys rooms are getting scary – sagging shelves liable to avalanche.  My in-laws gave me a new rule of thumb: no wooden bookshelves wider than 30 inches to avoid such problems.

    We are also hoping to put in one of those wire closet systems with drawers built in and short rods for shirts, in the walk in closet so we can get rid of the chests of drawers, we need the foot print to be streamlined as they are sharing the space, and we’d hope the room will have play space left in it.